Medical Centers

Orthopedic Center

G Floor, Main Building
Open everyday from 07:00-19:00 
Tel. 02-129-5555


Bone and joint disorders are a close concern as they can occur almost anytime due to the continuous movement of our bodies. Improper movements during sitting, standing, walking, exercising, playing sports, accidents, and aging can all impact the skeletal structure, potentially causing everyday life issues.

Piyavate Hospital Bone and Joint Center Our Bone and Joint Center is equipped with international-level technology and modern diagnostic tools. We have assembled a team of specialists in various fields of orthopedics, including experts in joint surgery, bone and spinal surgery, orthopedic oncology, and pediatric orthopedics. This diverse expertise allows us to address bone and joint issues across all age groups. Additionally, we have sports medicine specialists providing care and advice to athletes with specific injuries.

Medical Services

  • Expert Consultation and Treatment: Providing guidance and treatment from experienced physicians.
  • Spinal Disorders Treatment: Addressing various spinal conditions.
  • Joint Replacement Surgery: Including knee, shoulder, and hip replacements.
  • Arthroscopic Surgery: Minimally invasive procedures for knees, shoulders, wrists, and ankles.
  • Treatment for Fractures and Dislocations: Managing broken bones and dislocated joints.
  • Muscle Pain and Injury Treatment: Addressing muscle-related pains or injuries.
  • Bone Disease Treatment: Treating conditions caused by bone cell abnormalities and osteoporosis.
  • Corrective Surgery for Pediatric Deformities: Surgical interventions for limb deformities in children.
  • Bone Deformity Correction Surgery.
  • Bone Tumor Surgical Treatment.
  • Joint Disorders Treatment: Managing conditions of the knees, shoulders, hips, and wrists.

Advance Tools and Techniques

  • Microscopic Spinal Surgery: Minimally invasive surgery for spinal nerve compression.
  • Arthroscopic Surgery: Using a scope to perform surgery on joints.
  • Computer-Navigated Hip Replacement (Navigator System).
  • Percutaneous Vertebroplasty: Cement injection for treating spinal fractures and collapse.
  • Double Balloon Kyphoplasty: Treating vertebral compression fractures caused by osteoporosis with a dual balloon technique.

How can expert orthopedic care
help you move freely and live pain-free?

Stronger bones,
better movement.

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Orthopedic Surgery
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