Internal Medicine Center

G Floor, open everyday
7:00-19:00 Tel. 02-129-5555

Internal Medicine Center

Piyavate Hospital Internal Medicine Center Providing examination and treatment services for internal medicine patients. From acute illnesses to various chronic illnesses Using modern medicine and medical tools for diagnosis. including disease prevention and health promotion And if the preliminary diagnosis is made, it is necessary to refer the patient to receive specialized treatment for that disease. The Internal Medicine Center has prepared a team of medical specialists in various fields. In order for patients to receive quality service according to professional standards and in a comprehensive manner. The clinic provides the following services:

  • Neurology services
  • Neurological diagnosis (Neurological Diagnostic Technology)
  • Internal Medicine Hematology
  • Internal Medicine, Cancer and Chemotherapy
  • Internal Medicine for Kidney Disease
  • Internal medicine for gastrointestinal and liver diseases
  • Internal medicine for rheumatology and rheumatology
  • Internal Medicine for Endocrine Disease and Diabetes
  • Headaches

  • Frequently dizzy For unknown reasons (Vertigo)

  • Nerve diseases such as numbness in the hands and feet (Neuropathy)

  • Paralysis, paralysis from cerebral hemorrhage, rupture, or blockage (Stroke) STROKE Fast Tract

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Dementia

  • Epilepsy or seizures (Epilepsy /seizure)

  • Pain related to the nervous system, such as pain similar to electric shock/pins and needles Burning pain (Neuropathic pain)

  • Movement disorder and Parkinson’s (Movement Disorder & Parkinson’s Disease)

  • Muscle diseases such as muscle inflammation, muscle weakness (Neuromuscular Diseases)

  • brain computer examination (Computerized Tomography : CT Scan)

  • Brain examination using magnetic resonance (Magnetic Resonance: MRI, MRA)

  • Carotid Duplex Ultrasounds (Carotid Duplex Ultrasounds)

  • Electroencephalography (Electroencephalography: EEG)

  • Electromyography of muscles (Electromyography : EMG)

  • Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)

  • Detection of sleep disorders (Polysomnography/Sleep Test)

  • Examination of intracranial blood vessels (Transcranial Doppler Ultrasounds : TCD)

  • Injection of dye into the cerebral blood vessels (Cerebral Angiography)

Treat anemia such as hereditary anemia, thalassemia (Thalassemia disease), iron deficiency anemia (Iran deficiency anemia), anemia from the destruction of red blood cells (Hemolytic anemia) such as from autoimmune conditions. Resistance (Autoimmune Hemolytic anemia), from G6PD deficiency Anemia, etc., and Anemia of Chronic disease.
Treat bone marrow disease/aplastic anemia, bone marrow degeneration (Myelodysplastic syndrome), a bone marrow disease that produces abnormally high blood cells (Myeloproliferative Neoplasm), such as creating abnormally high red blood cells (Polycythemia Vera), abnormally high platelet production (Essential Thrombocythemia) and fibrosis in the bone marrow (Primary Myelofibrosis).
High blood cell disease from other conditions such as abnormally high red blood cells (Secondary polycythemia), abnormally high white blood cells (Secondary eosinophilia), abnormally high platelets (Secondary thrombocytosis) and abnormally high white blood cells (Reactive) leukocytosis)
leukemia Acute type (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia)
Chronic leukemia (Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia)
Myeloma (Multiple Myeloma)
Lymphoma (Lymphoma)
Bleeding disorders such as Hemophilia A, B (Hemophilia A, B, etc.)

  1. cancer care

    – Consultation for monitoring (Prevention)

    – Cancer screening (Screening)

    – Diagnosis

    – Provide radiation consultation (Radiotherapy)

    – Palliative care (Palliative Care)

  2. Care by giving chemotherapy (Chemo therapy)

    – Specific treatment for cancer cells (Targeted therapy)

    – Immunotherapy therapyImmunotherapy

    – Provide advice to patients and their relatives regarding care.

    – Adjusting medications and pain relief procedures in cancer patients

  3. Other services

    – Caring for open wounds of the intestines beneath the abdominal area

    – Nutrition counseling

    – Providing assistance with mental state

    – Caring for terminally ill patients

Abnormalities in the acid-base balance and mineral salts in the body
acute kidney failure
chronic kidney disease Kidney disease caused by high blood pressure, diabetes, nephritis, kidney cyst. Alport syndrome Protein leakage in the urine, etc.
Slowing down kidney deterioration By controlling the causes of kidney disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, nephritis, kidney cysts, kidney stones, smoking, and controlling the level of protein leaked into the urine.
Treatment of complications such as anemia, abnormal blood salt levels
kidney replacement therapy
Hemodialysis service with hemodialysis machine for patients with chronic kidney failure. Acute kidney failure and critically ill patients
Lymphatic drainage service (Plasmapheresis)
Dialysis service for patients with toxins in the bloodstream
Special blood vessel surgery service for hemodialysis using a hemodialysis machine.
Special blood vessel problem solving service for hemodialysis.
Information service for self-care for hemodialysis patients. (Hemodialysis)
Information services regarding food and drug practices in patients with kidney disease
Kidney performance measurement service
Consultation and treatment services for kidney failure by a doctor specializing in kidney disease.
kidney transplant surgery
Radiological examination: Renal Ultrasound, kidney examination using high frequency sound waves (Kidney Dopplers), computerized tomography (CT Scan), magnetic resonance angiography (Magnetic Resonance Angiography), nuclear examination (Renal scan)
To check for blockages in the urinary tract (such as kidney stones)
To assess the size of the kidneys
To check for kidney cyst disease
To check for other symptoms such as narrowed kidney arteries.

Diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder disorders through endoscopy (ERCP), such as bile duct cancer Obstructed bile duct, etc.
Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases by endoscopy (GI Endoscopy)
Endoscopy to examine the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. (Gastroscopy) to look at movement and abnormalities Including checking for Helicobacter Pylori bacteria in the stomach.
colonoscopy (Colonoscopy) to look at abnormalities of the intestinal lining and intestinal wall. Peristalsis of the intestines to the beginning of the large intestine. or the connection of the intestine to the small intestine
Endoscopy to examine the large intestine (Sigmoidoscopy)
Biopsy of abnormal protrusions in the digestive tract (Polypectomy)
Inserting a feeding tube through the endoscope Without surgery or anesthesia (PEG: Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy)
Treatment of bleeding from varicose veins in the esophagus
Gastrointestinal Wireless Capsule Endoscopy is a new type of diagnosis for gastrointestinal diseases. Especially in the deepest parts of the small intestine. By swallowing capsules to record images of various parts of the digestive tract. The doctor will then take the images and data for analysis. In order to treat patients quickly, accurately and correctly according to the cause of the disease.
Liver biopsy and aspiration to take liver tissue and cells for analysis. In case of a lump in the liver or suspected liver cancer Including inflammation of the liver
Using techniques for treatment without surgery, such as preventing acute bleeding conditions From the digestive tract and liver
Treatment of gastrointestinal and liver diseases With surgery such as surgery for liver disease, bile duct, gallbladder, surgery for esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

Panic disorder is a panic disorder. It arises from the autonomic nervous system being sensitive to stimuli. Cause panic symptoms, including rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, tightness, dizziness, and feeling like you’re fainting. Or like it’s about to take its toll. It usually occurs when you are in a stressful situation or are stimulated to be alert.
Anxiety disorders have both physical and mental symptoms expressed together. Physical symptoms include a racing heart, difficulty breathing, headaches, tremors, etc. As for mental symptoms, is a feeling of fear restless Can’t stay still, feel stressed, and constantly look for signs of danger.
Depression. People who suffer from depression will feel depressed, discouraged, bored, and feel like they have no self-worth. Some people may not feel sad but will be bored with everything around them. And I don’t know what to continue living for. The significance of this disease is that untreated patients are at high risk of suicide. If you have symptoms of depression for more than 2 weeks, you should see your doctor to assess whether you have depression or not.
Bipolar disorder or bipolar mood disorder It is an emotional disorder of the patient characterized by changes in mood between Depressive periods and periods of abnormally good mood (mania periods). During depression, there will be symptoms of depression, despondency, and hopelessness. The symptoms during this period are similar to those of patients with depression. The symptoms last for several months and then disappear like normal people before entering the manic phase. They will have a lively mood, have energy, want to do many things, be active, get little sleep, be kind, have good human relations, have a good mood, but have problems controlling their own emotions. When someone displeases the patient, they become very angry, easily irritated, and cannot control their own emotions.
Stress disease is a condition in which one has to face pressure from a serious event. This condition involves the response of the body and mind. People who have been through events that cause stress There will be symptoms of stress for about a month. If symptoms last longer, they become post-traumatic stress disorder. (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD)
Insomnia is a symptom found in many physical diseases. Many psychiatric diseases Or it may be caused by certain drugs. From certain substances that stimulate the brain, such as caffeine contained in tea, coffee, soft drinks, and energy drinks. In addition, drinking alcohol continuously for a long period of time It will cause insomnia as well.
Schizophrenia: Patients will have hallucinations, hearing loss, and hallucinations occurring. and will be expressed through soliloquy. Laughing alone Delusions or paranoia that have lasted for more than 6 months. If not treated from the beginning or leave it for a long time It will make treatment difficult. and the treatment results were not good Schizophrenia is a chronic disease. Treatment will help the patient get better. But you will have to take medication for the rest of your life. The problem with this disease is that some patients find that their symptoms improve. They often think they are cured and stop using medicine. causing the symptoms to worsen again
Drug addiction: Patients who want to quit drugs and are unable to quit on their own. You can come and receive advice from your doctor and plan your drug treatment to quit the drug. Because having a doctor to advise you will make your plan to quit drugs more successful.
Married life problems Many people may think that seeing a psychiatrist must only involve a psychiatric disorder. But in reality Marital problems are also important problems for which psychiatrists can give advice and give advice on adjusting husbands and wives. Receiving the right advice will allow both parties to understand each other’s personalities and learn more about each other.
sexual health problems Many sexual health problems It occurs at the subconscious level of the patient. Must be solved by receiving advice from a psychiatrist. or a psychotherapist, such as vaginal locks (Vaginismus) is an abnormal symptom of the muscles in the pelvic floor in women causing them to contract during sexual intercourse. making penetration impossible or the inability of husband and wife to have sexual intercourse Wives hate having sex with their husbands, etc. These problems, if treated, will help the patient to be happier in their married life.
terminal patient There are medical specialists in providing care and counseling to patients in their last stages. When the patient has difficulty adjusting to the perception of their own condition and unable to solve various problems, such as interpersonal problems, personal problems, problems with a serious illness Which may seriously affect the mind to the point of depression, anxiety, delirium, confusion, insomnia, thoughts of harming oneself or others.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Autoimmune disease/lupus (Systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE)

  • Gout / Pseudo gout (Gout / Pseudo gout)

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Scleroderma

  • Soft tissue disease and local rheumatism (Soft tissue Rheumatism) such as arthritic cysts, tendonitis

Endocrine and Diabetes Center It is a center that provides treatment for diabetic patients. and endocrinology by a team of medical specialists Diabetes Lecturer Team Consulting team Nurses who have received specialized training, nutritionists, along with a team of doctors from all fields of treatment. Continuously care for patients so that they can return to living happily.

Modern equipment and tools are of world-class standards. Connecting medical information in related fields
Diagnose and treat patients with diabetes and endocrine system diseases.
Assess your pre-diabetes risk status
Recommend ways to control sugar levels to a level similar to normal to prevent complications.
Educate and care for mothers with gestational diabetes.
Weight loss clinic to prevent diabetes and the risk of developing various diseases.
Take care of and protect diabetic patients from complications such as vascular disease. Neurological complications, wound formation, etc.
Provide knowledge about behavior for diabetic patients
Educate your family Relatives to properly care for diabetic patients
Providing an annual diabetes health check program
Medical technology used for diagnosis and treatment:
Rehabilitation and treatment follow-up: Providing long-term follow-up care for diabetic patients. The team of doctors joins in providing specialized treatment, such as eye disease specialists. Vascular disease, infectious disease, kidney disease, rehabilitation medicine doctor, nutritionist, recreational activities for diabetic patients. and relatives to exchange knowledge and do activities together

Sleep test (Sleep Test) is a test to observe the body’s functioning while sleeping. Test results can help diagnose diseases and assess the severity of diseases such as obstructive sleep apnea. twitching of various muscles and abnormal behavior during sleep The information obtained can be used to plan or follow up on correct treatment.

Snoring, obstructive sleep apnea (Obstructive sleep apnea)
Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake disorders
Sleepwalking (Parasomnia)
Sleep related bruxism
A condition of movement and abnormal behavior while sleeping.
Periodic leg movements during sleep
Restless legs syndrome (restless legs syndrome)
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Diagnostics and tools

Providing diagnosis of sleep disorders using a sleep monitor. (polysomnogram/sleep lab) and Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), which are used to analyze narcolepsy. By experienced doctors and staff
2. Provide an assessment of sleep disorders using questionnaires as a screening tool, such as STOB BANG (screening for groups at risk for obstructive sleep apnea), Edward Sleepiness scale​/ ESS (type Daytime sleepiness assessment), insomnia questionnaire, sleep diary, etc.
Providing counseling services and advice on using positive air pressure (CPAP) to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Preparation before examination

Take a shower and wash your hair thoroughly before coming for the examination. And don’t use hair spray oil.
Refrain from sleeping during the daytime If it’s not something you normally do.
Five hours before the test, the patient should drink less water. and eat dinner before coming for the examination
Refrain from drinking alcohol 24 hours before the test.
Avoid drinking tea, coffee, soft drinks, and stimulating drinks at least 12 hours before the test.
If you have medicines that you must take regularly, you should consult your doctor first whether you need to abstain or not.
Men should shave thoroughly before coming for examination. Women should refrain from wearing makeup and nail polish.
Prepare necessary personal items such as a toothbrush and toothpaste for washing your face in the morning. Do not bring jewelry or valuables with you.
Inspection details

It is a test that requires the patient to stay overnight at the hospital during the night.
A device is attached to track changes in the body during the examination.
During the examination a video will be recorded. To observe the sleeping position and behavioral abnormalities that may occur while sleeping
In the control room, there will be a computer that receives signals sent from the patient, such as brain waves, breathing, blood oxygen levels, etc., as well as video images, which the staff will gradually control to record smoothly. This information will be forwarded to the doctor for use in interpreting the results.
This test only receives natural signals in the human body, such as brain waves, breathing in and out, and eye movements while sleeping. Chest and abdominal movements, snoring sounds, sleeping position, muscle tension. ECG and oxygen level or carbon dioxide in the blood
Installing equipment to receive electrical signals It will just be using metal wires to touch and attach to the skin in various areas of the body with a plaster. There will be no drilling or implantation of any devices into the body. And there will be no electrical signals or waves sent into the body.
In some patients the staff found that they had sleep apnea. due to severe collapse of the upper airway Staff will go in and wake you up so that you can wear a mask connected to a CPAP positive pressure device (CPAP) to find the right pressure.


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