Chinese Medicine: Snoring, a Problem That Should Not Be Overlooked

Snoring is a condition that can occur in people of all ages and genders, characterized by loud breathing sounds during sleep, mouth breathing, irregular breathing, and episodes of stopped breathing. Upon waking, individuals may experience drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. Snoring arises from narrowing or blockage of the airways, making breathing difficult during sleep. Various factors can contribute to snoring, such as physical exhaustion, overweight, aging, allergies, enlarged tonsils, or other anatomical abnormalities.

In Chinese Medicine, snoring is associated with key organs, particularly the lungs and spleen:

  • The lungs govern the body’s respiratory system (肺主气司呼吸). When lung function is impaired, it can lead to obstructions in the airway and result in snoring.
  • The spleen governs muscles (脾主肌肉) and is responsible for distributing blood and Qi, nourishing muscles throughout the body. A weakened spleen function can cause the respiratory tract muscles to slacken, leading to obstructions and snoring.

For the treatment of snoring, Chinese Medicine can alleviate symptoms through acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. These treatments improve the circulation of blood and Qi, reduce obstructions in the throat making breathing easier, and restore the strength of internal organs and the body. Since other factors can also contribute to snoring, it is recommended to consult a specialist before undergoing treatment.

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